Helpful Resources

The City Of Tacoma, Tacoma Police Department, and other public and private agencies have resources, services, and programs that are designed to improve the quality of neighborhoods and the livability for residents. The city and other agencies are at the ready, just waiting to help, but finding them can prove to be a chore for residents. The Help Desk is a collection of common situations that you may encounter and the city department or agency and their contact information.

I suspect that a house in my neighborhood is dealing drugs - Report Drug Activity: Clicking on this link will allow you to submit drug activity information online to the Tacoma Police Department. You can remain anonymous. Please provide as many details as you can on the form about the location of the activity. You can also call the Tacoma Police Drug Hotline at 475 CRAK (2425) and leave an anonymous tip there also.

The house next door has a dog that barks "ALL" night - The City of Tacoma has an ordinance pertaining to animal nuisance and noise. Barking and noisy animal ordinance

There is a broken down car parked on the street that has not moved for a long time - The City of Tacoma offers an Abandoned Auto Hotline which allows citizens to report vehicles that they believe to be abandoned. The Hotline number is (253) 591-5926 and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tacoma Municipal Code Section 11.05.230 prohibits parking or storage of any type of vehicle on City right of way for more than 7 days.

An abandoned vehicle is a vehicle that has been left on city streets for an extended period and may have one or more of the following conditions.

* Is unused or inoperable * In a state of disrepair* Major components missing* Has flat tires, * Has expired or missing license plates.

The hotline is automated.
When reporting an abandoned vehicle please include the following:

* Location* Description of the vehicle * License plate number if available. * Name and phone number ( optional )

An Abandoned Vehicle Enforcement Officer will respond to most complaints the following day. If the officer finds a vehicle to be in violation, a warning tag will be placed on the vehicle.
After a vehicle has been tagged the owner has up to 7 days to remove it. If the vehicle has not been removed after that time, the City has the authority to impound and / or dispose of the vehicle at the registered owner?s expense.

The house down the street from me has a bunch of trash and junk in their yard - You can also review the Nuisance Code Fact Sheet.

The street light on the corner has burned out - Go to .
1. Click on the "Citizen Request" tab
2. On the "Comments / Complaints" list, click on traffic / street light
3. Click on "street lights"
4. Complete the contact information below and give a description where the burned out street light is located.
5. Click "Submit Your Request"

People park their cars in the alley and block traffic - To report a parking problem call the Tacoma Police Department?s non-emergency number 253-798-4721 and choose Option 1.
Some examples of parking complaints would include, vehicles in limited time zone areas, cars blocking traffic, neighborhood parking issues or someone living in a vehicle.

A house down the street is falling apart and nobody seems to be fixing it up - The power of partnership. . .YOU and Tacoma CARES
A cleaner neighborhood is a safer neighborhood?that's the spirit behind Tacoma CARES (Cleanup And Revitalization Effort.) Since 1995 Tacoma CARES has worked with people like you to strengthen and preserve the livability of the City of Tacoma. What does Tacoma CARES do for you?
The Tacoma CARES program enforces the following:
  • Nuisances (primarily litter and debris)
  • Junk vehicles on private property
  • Minimum Building and Structures Code (dealing with the condition or existing buildings)
  • Graffiti
  • Overgrown vegetation on private property
To report any violations please call 591-5001. You can also review the Nuisance Code Fact Sheet.

Someone is dumping trash and debris in the alley - Whether it's cleaning up litter from a gulch or helping to arrange a beautification project, Tacoma CARES can help you. Solid Waste Management's "Blight Mobile" can help you dispose of litter and debris on streets, alleys and other public right-of-ways. To report any violations please call 591-5001.

Someone has spray painted graffiti on my fence - To report graffiti please call our 24-hour graffiti message line at 591-5691.

There is a car parked on the street and someone is living in it - To report a parking problem call the Tacoma Police Department?s non-emergency number 253-798-4721 and choose Option 1.
Some examples of parking complaints would include, vehicles in limited time zone areas, cars blocking traffic, neighborhood parking issues or someone living in a vehicle.


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