We received this email report from a neighbor.
--- REPORT ---
On Melrose, just off of 15th st. between Oakes and Fife
or Prospect, There is a lot of strange activity going on at odd hours. People
coming to one of two houses for 5 minutes after midnight. The houses are the
2nd and 3rd ones in on left hand side if you're coming from 15th and turning
onto Oakes. One house usually has
a gray durango in front and the other has a white suburban in front. Both
houses have had police there quite a few times durning the day.
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If you live in this area and observe suspicious activity, remember to report it to 911. Email us at friendsofsouth12thstreet@gmail.com so we can post it for others to be aware of and look out for.
You can also contact our Tacoma Police CLO to report suspicious activity to. CLO officers are assigned to specific neighborhood areas and are more aware of the "hot spots" and problems. Continue to contact 911 immediately, but you can follow up your phone call with an email to our CLO.
Officer Daren Skaanes
(253) 594-7961
Yah, some serious shadiness on the guy with the white suburban. He was outside in my alleyway at 5:00 AM a few weeks ago. I thought he was trying to break into our cars or the neighbors garages (but he was just outside his vehicle looking into our car or something)...my dog was barking alot otherwise I wouldn't of woken up. He took off in his suburban. I called the cops and they pulled him over and that's how I found out that he lived where he does. I still have NO idea what the heck that guy was doing in our alley, but it didn't seem normal at all. Definately keep your eyes on that house. David