Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What To Do About People Living In A Vehicle

Recently a neighbor asked for help regarding someone living in a vehicle parked in front of their house.  Turns out, a neirby rental property had allowed a friend to park on their property until one day the landlord told them that their guest could not park on the property any longer.  Now, the vehicle is parking on the street and moving from time to time around the neighborhood.  After doing some research and talking with the City of Tacoma, here are the facts and things to consider.

Countless number of Americans have been affected by the stagnant economy.  Many have lost their home and jobs as well.  I cannot imagine being at a place that circumstances left me no choice but to live out of a vehicle.  This is not a lifestyle I would wish for anyone.  Mu heart breaks and goes out to folks in these situations.  Nevertheless, in the City of Tacoma, it is illegal to live in a vehicle (automobile, trailer, camper, or motorhome) for an extended period of time.  City of Tacoma does allow residing in a vehicle such as a motorhome for up to (7 days) with the proper permit issued by the city.

Enforcement is another issue.  The advice given by the city is to first call Tacoma Police (non emergency) 253 798-4721.  Give a good description of the vehicle, subject(s), and license plate number, and location.  There is no guarantee that police will be dispatched.  After contacting police, follow up by sending our TPD Community Liaison Officer an email requesting him to look into the matter as well.  Our current CLO is Officer Darren Skaanes .  I would request that he contact you to confirm he has received, and will follow up on your request.  If you do not hear back from him, you may need to email again and be persistent.  Though it is illegal, this is a very low prioity item for police.

In closing, it is great that some cities such as Puyallup offer safe parking areas for homeless with proper toileting and wash facilities, but at this time Tacoma does not.  Please contact us at if you have any additional questions or need help with another neighborhood issue.      

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