Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's time to clean up our neighborhood!

Neighborhood Cleanup
Saturday, June 23
10 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Franklin Elementary School parking lot
1402 S Lawrence

We care about how our neighborhood looks and we want everyone to help make it look even better. The City of Tacoma and the Friends of South 12th are bringing the dumpsters back to our neighborhood for the annual cleanup event. This is your chance to get rid of ALL the unwanted junk on your property for FREE! 

This event is open to all residents in a single family home or duplex between S 6th St and S 15th St between Sprague and Union.

Goodwill will be on site to collect gently used items.

To request reasonable accommodation, for example help unloading because of a disability, please contact Holly at 253-389-6876.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Neighborhood Drug House Shut Down


The drug dealers at 1002/04 S State were evicted Monday and the house was boarded up today. Go Tacoma PD!

Citizens Neighborhood Street Improvement Task Force

Citizens Neighborhood Street Improvement Task Force meets Tuesday

You are invited to attend the first meeting of the Citizens Neighborhood Street Improvement Task Force on Tuesday, May 29, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Greater Tacoma Convention and Trade Center. This task force is charged with creating project criteria for basic street maintenance, pothole repair and citizen safety; developing a project list that is balanced citywide to make sure all neighborhoods receive local street and safety improvements; and to recommend strategies to ensure accountability, transparency, and oversight of street maintenance funds. The task force is scheduled to provide findings and recommendations to the City Council by June 26, 2012.

Contact: Karrie Spitzer, Community Relations,, (253) 591-5790

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Help us pick a date for this year's neighborhood yard sale

Are you planning a yard sale this summer? Interested in being part of this year’s neighborhood yard sale? Help us pick the date by selecting the best options for you. 

You'll find a poll to cast your vote on the left-side column of the blog page and on our facebook page

Date options:
  • Saturday, July 14
  • Saturday, July 21
  • Saturday, August 25

What is the neighborhood yard sale?
The Friends of South 12th Street will take care of advertising to draw in the crowds, including maps to direct buyers to all sale locations in our neighborhood, so you can focus on making money. On the day of the sale, just set your new or used items out for sale in your front yard and let the shoppers come to you. A $10 donation from each participating sale will help cover the cost of advertising and materials, including on-line and newspapers ads, street signs, and maps to direct buyers to all of the sale locations in our neighborhood.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Upcoming Leasership Team Meeting

The next Friends of South 12th Street Leadership Team Meeting will be Monday, May 14th beginning at 6:00pm.

Agenda items include:
  • Planning for upcoming neighborhood events
  • Develop our Neighborhood Crime Prevention Action Plan  (from our last neighborhood meeting)
  • Blog feedback and improvement ideas

Leadership Team is open to all Friends of South 12th Street members.  Leadership Team provides guidance and direction for our neighborhood group.  If you would like more information about Leadership Team or would like to attend, please email us at for additional information.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tacoma Gang Assessment Survey

Tacoma City Council recently commissioned a comprehensive study of gang activity in Tacoma. The Gang Assessment Survey data is now available to the public in its entirety.,

Friday, May 4, 2012

Garage Break In - Report

From our Facebook Page

Another day, another burglary. This time a brute force attack on the garage door. (We had disabled the auto opener and used the physical lock.) Lost the cheap TV we got to replace the one they took last time. Nothing else taken. 2600 block of Melrose

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Posting Comments

Written By: Tim Robertson

One of the new features of the Friends of South 12th Street blog is the ability to post comments to articles.  I like this feature because it allows neighbors to carry on a neighborhood conversation.  To make posting comments as easy as possible, and open to everyone, we have not required that you have a Google account or register.  Currently, readers are able to post comments as "Anonymous".  We would ask that when posting comments as "Anonymous" that you would give your first name, either at the beginning or end of your comment.  It is always nice to know "who you are chatting with.  If this does not work, we may need to look at removing the "Anonymous" feature.  Thank you for your help and keep the conversation going!!!