Friday, July 13, 2012


Being aware of crime and issues occurring in our neighborhood is the first step to crime prevention. By knowing the current types of crime occurring, taking steps to reduce your risk of being a victim, and watching out for your neighbors will result in a reduction of crime in our area.

 To help residents easily identify the levels and crime threats in our neighborhood, we have developed an easy to understand green, yellow, red status signal.  When you visit the Friends of South 12th Street blog, you will immediately see the current "Neighborhood Crime Status" in the right hand margin.  Anytime the crime status light changes, email subscribers will immediately receive a notice of the change and reasons for the change.  Remember to first report suspicious activity to 911 and then send Friends of South 12th Street an email at with the details so that we may pass it along to the neighborhood.  Please feel free to post your feedback and comments about this new system on the blog.   

Green Light Status indicates that the overall occurrence of crime in our neighborhood is low. This is a great time to breathe a sigh of relief, but do not let your crime fighting guard down. Continue to keep an watchful eye out and immediately report suspicious activity to 911.

Yellow Light Status indicates a moderate level of crime is occurring in our neighborhood. Residents should be alert and mindful of unfamiliar vehicles and visitors in the area. Continue to keep an watchful eye out and immediately report suspicious activity to 911.

Red Light Status indicates that there is a high level of crime, or that the type of crimes occurring in our neighborhood poses a significant risk. Residents should be extremely alert and very aware of unfamiliar vehicles, sounds, and visitors in the area. Residents are strongly urged to immediately report any suspicious activity to 911. Remember to also report any crime related information to Friends of South 12th Street at so that we can share that information with the neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this brilliant idea Tim, and I think it will give us all a quick pulse check on the neighborhood crime level. We seem to have seasons where crime is high and other times where it is quiet. But of course we should always be vigilant and take measures to protect our families, property and fellow neighbors.
